Lake Lands

wearing vintage dress/knit, tiffany necklace, market socks, vintage bag, shoes from the Philippines, hat from Dotti 

I could not resist such a beautiful day in the sun so I decided to do a style shoot with guest photographer mum! Mum has never used a DSLR before but, theres a first for everything. She did a great job and despite a few lighting issues i think we did ok! I really wanted to wear these shoes today as, as we have just moved I have uncovered a bunch (when I say bunch I mean at least 20 pairs) of unworn shoes still in boxes and 30 pairs of worn shoes that I totally forgot I had. Im going to post all of my shoes combined with Jimmy's (which is about 150 pairs plus) soon. I got these from the Philippines and they are a perfect height to wear all day. I love the colour and they happen to match my vintage bag which masquerades as a camera bag. I picked it up from the camberwell markets last week.. you can never EVER leave there empty handed I guarantee !

Peace x  


  1. I also wouldn't resist spending this amazing day with my mon!!!! You look fabolous... so vintage style! I love it!!!


  2. gorgeous photos, so vintage! lovin your style x

  3. wow beautiful! great genes the pair of you have!

  4. your mum's got some sweet camera skills.
    Awesome photos.

  5. great photos guys, can't wait to see more in the future!
    i've always been told photography is 80% skill and 20% equipment. so with your Nikon (is it the D700?), it's good to see skillful, quality results :D bring on the next uploads of photos :D

  6. stunning photos! your mum did well hehe

  7. great outfit! you are very beautiful and have lovely skin
